NeoLoad vs LoadRunner: A Comparative Guide

Enterprises are increasingly finding that their performance testing has not kept pace with advances in software development. Development cycles are getting shorter, with new applications, microservices, APIs, and features being released faster and faster. But all too often performance testing remains a highly manual, time-consuming undertaking that requires expertise and specialized know-how. Performance testing has become a bottleneck.


That’s why organizations are looking for a more modern and productive alternative that breaks down the silos of expertise, clears the QA logjam, and gives every team — experts and non-experts alike — the ability to test faster, cost-effectively, across a broad range of enterprise needs. Because how do you release fast when QA is stuck? And get unstuck when that requires deep expertise not shared by the organization at large? 


NeoLoad accommodates different types of testers across the entire organization. Everyone from centralized performance engineering experts doing complex end-to-end testing in a traditional approach to autonomous users testing individual components and APIs in a DevOps environment. They use one solution to test monolithic packaged apps like SAP or Oracle, and to automate API tests.We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.


With NeoLoad, your teams require less time to do more work, more accurately, with fewer people. You can have your experts focus on things with higher strategic value instead of the “grunt work” of perpetually maintaining and rewriting scripts every time code changes.

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