Diversifying Revenue and Giving Opportunities

In an uncertain future (and the future is always uncertain), one of the most important ways to create stability and growth is through diversification of revenue and giving opportunities. Providing sustainable and stable support during volatile times is essential to your nonprofit and to the causes it serves.

In this 22-minute read, you will discover how to diversity your sources of revenue and expand your range of giving opportunities in crisis mode and in “normal” times. What follows are recommendations for options, things to consider, and ways to approach the evolution of philanthropy for your organization.


We’ll share detailed best practices for:

    • Events, including funding models and a checklist to assess their value
    • Pipeline management from a short-term tactical perspective as well as a long-term strategic perspective
    • Using data and analytics to inform your decisions

Fill in the form below to download your free copy today!

How many employees are at your organization?
What is your approx. yearly fundraising contribution amount

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