
Enterprise Business Capabilities Series:
Postmodern ERP as the New Normal

U.S. government agencies often must make complex decisions based on clean, consistent, and often static data to manage their missions efficiently and effectively. Usually, this data is gathered from multiple sources, and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are at the center of those processes, encompassing financial, supply chain, and human resource functions.


However, agencies are often limited to the functionality provided by these platforms and furthermore these legacy systems have not kept pace with evolving expectations to access information anytime and anywhere. Even newer ERP systems do not provide a positive experience for users, often requiring them to log into multiple, inconsistent systems or to manually complete transactions, view data, or simply collaborate with stakeholders.


Gartner defines Postmodern ERP as “a technology strategy that automates and links administrative and operational business capabilities (such as finance, HR, purchasing, manufacturing and distribution) with appropriate levels of integration that balance the benefits of vendor-delivered integration against business flexibility and agility. This definition highlights that there are two categories of ERP strategy: administrative and operational.”*


This new Postmodern ERP framework is quickly making traditional ERP systems — historically used to support every aspect of an agency’s mission — more efficient and responsive. This change accounts for shifting agency expectations brought about by the advent of the internet, smartphones, and unlimited access to information anytime and anywhere.


The COVID-19 pandemic has given new meaning to ‘mission readiness’ for government agencies and made a safe, secure, and digitally-oriented workforce even more crucial. As government agencies adapt to the new environment, they may need to adopt innovative approaches to give employees access to the resources they need to fulfill their duties and achieve mission readiness.

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