Overcoming 4 Common Barriers to Successful B2B Rebranding Programs

Brand has become a hot topic for marketers—with display advertising investments topping $5 billion in 2021—

and B2B companies are investing significantly on building brand awareness. But do their brands align with buyer expectations?

Acquisitions, market shifts and changing expectations are driving the need for many B2B companies to refresh or redefine their brands. Yet brand creation projects have fallen behind the times. They remain complicated and expensive, forcing marketers to delay serious efforts at rebranding. These delays are often caused by four primary barriers—barriers that can also drive up budgets and hurt effectiveness.


This new white paper identifies these barriers and explains how they keep companies on the sidelines. It also introduces a framework that accelerates B2B brand creation and activation based on real-world ROI calculations.


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StudioNorth is a full-service marketing communications agency driving results for B2B clients through analytics-based strategy, emotionally resonant creative and omnichannel demand generation.

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